A week of birding 2nd-8th September 2024

“We loved the apartment and on several days saw numbers of Honey Buzzards and Kites, too many to count but also quite distant and a struggle for my limited camera skills. I think I had a Short toed Eagle and there were a regular pair of Booted Eagles. A pair of Glossy Ibis flew out to sea and then came back. There also seemed to be a regular flock of Cattle Egrets that flew in in the evening and several Avocets flew past. The estuary proved interesting with the Kingfisher always there and waders coming and going depending on the dog walkers. They included Ringed and Kentish Plovers, a Turnstone, Oystercatchers, 2 Whimbrel arrived one day, Common Sandpiper. An Osprey also turned up and there were Spotted Flycatchers everywhere.

Thanks for the guide books. We looked at San Enrique Wood. Hoopoe, Great Spotted Woodpecker, a family of Red rumped Swallows, Bee eaters flying over constantly in big flocks. In fact their calls could be heard in the sky throughout our stay. Also in the woods lots of small birds, the finches, Green, Gold and Serin. Warblers, numerous Cettis, Sardinian, Melodious, Garden,  Willow and of course Spotted Flycatchers.

We visited Castellar on the Thursday. Fantastic views and a nice coffee at the hotel in the castle. Birds included flocks of Bee eaters, Honey Buzzards and Black Kites, Griffon Vultures, Crag Martins and a Blue Rock Thrush.

Friday it was Jimena, again Griffon Vultures, an Alpine Swift, Ravens, Crag Martins and a Blue Rock Thrush.

Saturday was Casares. It was celebration time with dancing and bands but the thunderstorm slowed things down! The birds included Griffon Vultures, Flocks of Honey Buzzards and Kites, Crag Martins and Bee Eaters. 

Before leaving on Sunday I checked the nature park over the river. The hide was locked but a view through the hedge produced Purple Swamphen, Moorhen and Reed Warbler. There is a pumpkin field on the way out of the estate (behind the polo) and Yellow Wagtails, Turtle Doves, Crested Larks and Serins were feeding.

Just brushed the surface of the most obvious birds and could spend a lot longer birding!”

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