Birding 1st to 8th April 2016



April 1st 2016

Blue Skies, warm and little wind.

Alcaidesa Ridge

1 Tawny Pipit

1 Woodchat Shrike

2 Short-toed Eagles

100 Barn Swallow

6 Red-rumped Swallow

12 House Martin

30 Stonechat

April 2nd 2016

Blue skies, 20 degrees, Winds E 10-15 mph, Cool Air

Balcony and River Walk

2 Wryneck

15 Common Waxbill

1 Purple Heron

3 Sanderling

1 Kentish Plover

4 Common Sandpiper

2 Little Ringed Plover

10 Sardinian Warbler 

15 Nightingale

4 Common Swift

2 Red-rumped Swallow

2 Short-toed Trecreeper

1 Willow Warbler

30 + Blackcap

6 Gannet

8 Sandwich Tern

Secret Plain and Castella

22 Tree Pipit

6 Woodlark


8 Woodchat

1 Hoopoe

6 Bee-Eater

18 Booted Eagle

2 Short-toed Eagle

4 Common Buzzard

6 Crag Martin

14 Lesser Kestrel

3 Spanish Festoon Butterfly

2 Monarch Butterfly

Palmones Estuary

1 Greater Flamingo

1 Whimbrel

1 Greenshank

8 Grey Plover

10 Redshank

2 Kentish Plover

2 Dunlin

April 3rd 2016

Sun and Cloud with Shower mid-afternoon Winds WNW 20mph


250+ Black Kite

1 Montagu’s Harrier

1 Sparrowhawk

52 Booted Eagle

90 Griffon Vulture

60+ Bee-Eater

2 Raven

La Janda + Ojen Valley

(rain shower brought down hundreds of Bee-Eaters and migrating Raptors)

600+ Bee-Eater

15 Short-Toed Eagle

8 Montagu’s Harrier (inc. 1m Melanistic)

2f Hen Harrier

16 Marsh Harrier

22 Black Kite

65+ Booted Eagle

10 Lesser Kestral

70 Griffon Vulture

2 Black-eared Wheatear

1 Northern Wheatear

2 Whinchat

4 Common Whitethroat

1 Melodious Warbler

250 White Stork

6 Spoonbill

48 Glossy Ibis

3 Purple Gallinule

40+ Calandra Lark

380 Common Swift

250+ Pallid Swift

150 House Martin 

300 Barn Swallow

60+ Sand Martin

4 Red-rumped Swallow

10 Iberian Yellow Wagtail

2 Eurasian Reed Warbler

1 Wood Sandpiper

1 Green Sandpiper

1 Firecrest

2 Short-toed Treecreeper

Palmones Estuary

9 Gull-billed Tern

32 Avocet

1 Kentish Plover

6 Dunlin

Sotogrande Reserve

4 LR Plover

1 Snipe

April 4th 2016

Overcast, Rain showers, wind WNW 20-30mph


1st w FRANKLIN’S GULL (on beach near main gull flock for 5 mins late afternoon – presumed same bird from Malaga previous week)

1 Osprey

1 Whimbrel

7 Gannet

1 Avocet

4 Purple Heron (in off sea)

1 Oystercatcher

3 Lesser Black-backed Gull

2 Sandwich Tern

250 Yellow-legged Gull

2 Barn Swallow

April 5th 2016

Dry, long sunny spells, wind W 25mph


4 Whiskered Terns

3 Sandwich Terns

2 Eurasian Spoonbill

1 Osprey

2 Common Buzzard

3 Sanderling

1 Kentish Plover

15 Gannet


180 Black Kite

110 Booted Eagle

1 Sparrowhawk

1 Montagu’s Harrier

1 Common Buzzard

160 Griffon Vulture

1 Osprey

2 Lesser Kestrel

2 Common Bulbul

3 Thekla Lark

6 Woodchat Shrike

18 Bee-Eater

2 Black-eared Wheatear

2 Cory’s Shearwater


2 Little Tern

4 Whiskered Ten

5 Sandwich Tern

3 Whimbrel

April 6th 2016

Dry sunny warm, Wind 15-20mph W


Little Bittern 1m

1 Purple Gallinule

Laguna De Medina

3 Great Reed Warbler

1 Sedge Warbler

1 Willow Warbler

8 Nightingale

Seville South Marshes to Bonanza

1 Penduline Tit

3 Great White Egret

120 Flamingo

70+ Eurasian Spoonbill

12 Night Heron

1 Squacco Heron

8 Purple Heron

2 Garganey

1 Savi’s Warbler

2 Spanish Sparrow 

3 Lesser Short-toed Lark

1 Short-toed Lark

2 Western Subalpine Warbler

20 Red-crested Pochard

30 Whiskered Tern 

12 Gull-billed Tern

15 Spotted Redshank

3 Wood Sandpiper

3 Reed Warbler

15 Collared Pratincole

Bonanza Lake and Salinas 

350 Curlew Sandpiper

400 Avocet

30 Little Stint

30 Sanderling

300 Dunlin

2 Whimbrel

1 Caspian Tern

500 Greater Flamingo

60 Kentish Plover

6 White-headed Duck

2 Squacco Heron

130 Slender-billed Gull

2 Hoopoe


1 Little Swift

40 Common Swift

April 7th 2016

Dry, warm, sunny Winds W -SW 10-15mph

Balcony / River

1 Audoins Gull

1 Purple Heron

1 Kingfisher

5 Sanderling

1 Redshank

1 Common Sandpiper

Tarifa Sea-watching

9 Great Skua

1 Pomarine Skua

1 Lanner Falcon (S to Morocco)

22 Glossy Ibis

2 Short-Toed Eagle 

7 Booted Eagle

25 Black Kite

2 Black-eared Wheatear

2 Tawny Pipit

Barbate Marshes

3 Stone Curlew

14 Bald Ibis

2 Calandra Lark

3 Tawny Pipit

1 Tree pipit

18 Meadow Pipit

2 Greater Short-toed Lark

46 Collared Pratincole

2 Little Stint

35 Curlew Sandpiper

120 Dunlin

6 Audoin’s Gull

1 Provencal Hairstreak

April 8th 2016

Hot, sunny, blue skies, winds SW 15-20mph

Balcony and River

2 Spoonbill

1 Audoin’s Gull

1 Collared Pratincole

16 Avocet

16 Black-winged Stilt

1 Greenshank

1 Redshank

5 Sanderling

1 LR Plover

2 Ringed Plover

1 Green Sandpiper

2 Common Sandpiper

1 Booted Eagle

1 Wryneck

28 European Bee-Eater

6 Red-rumped Swallow

9 Nightingale

5 Sardinian Warbler

1 Northern Wheatear

12 Serin

6 Blackcap

4 Cetti’s Warbler

60 Common Swift

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